Friday, January 07, 2005

Some things don't heal


Spring continued though not all things flourished. The messenger that came from Grandee the morning of Jerle's heart spasm had brought grave news. The perceptory at Grandee had been burned to the ground. Most of the Wardens had been killed or imprisoned as well as most of the constables. The Lord of Grandee had appointed deputies at the King's orders and all buildings belonging to the Wardens were to be put to the torch. All Wardens and magic users were to be imprisoned. The messenger did not know what had brought about such radical changes, only that the new laws had led to the rest of his detachment being killed by deputies and the new city watch. He'd barely escaped to return to Arsenal, and he felt quite sure if the king had taken such a stance in other cities of his realm, that soon he'd send soldiers to burn Arsenal to the ground.

Jerle recovered under Keygan's ministrations. Once he was well though, two of them were distant at best, and Keygan didn't know why. It weighed heavily on her. The news of events in Grandee also unsettled her, what had become of Lucius and Quintinius?

The men in the city went out that afternoon to the outlying areas to warn all the civilians nearby of what had happened at Grandee. Many of the people nearby moved into the city to be in the fortifications. Portions of Arsenal that hadn't been used for two centuries were occupied. Within a matter of days refugees from other parts of the country made their way to Arsenal in order to make a stand there.

Keygan remained hopeful while the refugees poured in that she might hear some news of Lucius or Quintinius. Jerle still remained taciturn and withdrawn. She found this new strain between the two of them weighed upon her heavily. Her efforts to talk to him about matters were met with the cold shoulder, or he'd withdraw to his room. Part of her didn't want to make things worse, and another part longed for a confrontation, even though she doubted it would answer the questions that burned within her. She sought comfort in the only way she could, practice with the blade, either in practicing her forms or sparing with the men, she practiced till she reached exhaustion. Only when she was too tired to stand could she sleep, the rest of the time when she tried to find rest only heartache waited behind her eyelids. When she practiced till the world blurred, only then could she find oblivion in sleep and no dreams or thoughts would trouble her until she was awake again.


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