Wednesday, December 15, 2004


"You may escort her about the compound Mr. Jones, but I suggest you don't forget she is a suspected magic user." The general's words came down the hallway as he passed out of sight. Theodric led her down the corridor and helped her up a flight of steps. She was pretty shaky as they went. Theodric hoped the better part of her trembling was caused by hunger. He took her first to the kitchen area, where they both got food. A simple meal of pea soup with a sparse bit of ham in it and some thick dark rolls with tea to drink. It took them a while to eat, in spite of the fact, they ate in silence while the soldiers watched them. They both seemed deep in their thoughts.

Once the meal was concluded Theodric took her to a small room and persuaded a groom to bring a bathtub and fill it with hot water. While they waited for the tub to be filled Theodric looked over her wound. He had dressed it when she had been brought here, but at first that was the only contact he'd been allowed with her. He believed that much would have been denied him had she not been unconscious at the time.

The troopers regarded her as dangerous, first due to her affiliation with the wardens and secondly because she was a suspected rogue magic user. There were a few sanctioned magic users, Theodric wondered how the king had made up his mind which magic users to give a special dispensation to in light of his proclamation all magic was evil.

The arrow wound was healing, but it had done a lot of damage. He could see why it was so difficult for her to move around now. He had in his haste not seen that the shaft had gone through her leg. He had only treated the entry wound on the outside of her thigh. Not the exit wound. Had he been the one to remove the arrow he would have known, but that had been done before she'd even reached the city. He did what he could, knowing he'd need to re-dress the wounds after she bathed.

The bath finally filled, Theodric convinced the guards to wait outside the door. After all, it was the only door and there were no windows. Keygan thanked him. He took a chair and sat turned away from her while she disrobed.
Once she was submerged she began talking quietly to him.

"You don't believe then, that I can use magic?" she asked him quietly.

He answered in quiet tones."I've known you for a long time and never seen any indications that you could. Are you going to tell me you can? Is that why you were with the wardens?" He wanted know.

"No that's not why I was with them, it's a long story. But I think I can use magic." she confessed in almost a whisper.

He got up and moved closer, modesty forgotten. His heart was racing. Was she dangerous? He found himself wondering. "Have you always known this?" he asked leaning over her from behind as she lathered her hair.

"Hardly, I might have learned how to use it to avoid arrows don't you think? She replied with quiet emphasis. "I'm not even sure I can use it. Recently, however, I can feel when others use it. If it's a magical ability or merely a side affect from being around the wardens I don't know. I was a bit too preoccupied to ask during the siege."

"Troubling news." Theodric said almost to himself. "If they test you for magical abilities and find you have them They'll kill you or worse." He told her.

She rinsed her hair and on resurfacing asked, "What's worse than death?"

He locked his eyes on hers, "A life filled with wishing for death......" he answered.


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