Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Keeper of the underworld

Korien set her in a large chair with lots of cushions and then went to get her breakfast. She sat there wondering what breakfast would be. She could'nt smell anything that gave her a clue.

Korien was back shortly bustling around her laying out bowls and mugs. He sat down a hot kettle of tea and then spooned some steamed oats and fruit into her dish. "Cream?" He asked her.

It took her a minute to answer, she found his voice pleasantly distracting.

"Please." She answered. He added a bit to her tea and stirred it.

He only drank some tea himself while he sat with her. "Tell me what exactly happened, I don't know why they were burning you, completely." He said.

"Because I can use magic......or at least I'm aware of it. Magic's been outlawed in more and more places." She said.

He nodded gravely, "I've been away too long and left too many affairs in the world unattended, maybe you'd better tell me what led to all of this." He asked.

She looked up from her meal very curious at his statement. "If I do will you tell me what led to you bringing me here?" she asked.

(RT 6/12/06)


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