Friday, August 20, 2004

day one I'm hoping this is a good idea

Well my friend John, who I seem to have let disappear off the face of the earth, used to sit and have the longest most in depth conversations with me about literally everything on earth. It is to him I owe my title in a round about way. See he and I figured out in one of our conversations that I've been spending my whole life settling for the next best thing. However, that title was already taken, and so now I'm reduced another peg, to The Second to Next Best Thing. Sort of ironic but I do like irony. I don't think my parents wanted me to be the sort to set my sights so low. My mother though seems to have made peace with the fact that I am who I am and that's all that I am (yep like Popeye the Sailor Man). My father I can't really say We haven't talked in along time. It wasn't a fight or anything just a breakdown in communication stemming mostly from me. (but that is a story for another day)

So what in the world has possessed me, the unnerd to do this? (I'll define unnerd later too) Well let me tell you, I've really been meaning to learn more about this whole internet experience, and I must write.....Seriously I'm much more neurotic when I don't. So here I am, or should I say here we are if you are reading this. I didn't want to do just a live journal, though I suppose this isn't all that different. It's simply that I have no intention of merely writing journal type entries, also though this seems simple it seems somehow more involving and more of a learning experience......Let's see how this turns out.

UnNerd: a technically uncool person with little to no technical nerd like abilities........(If there's a real definition somewhere too bad that's mine)

Guess I should consider getting some books about this stuff......(lemme go find that money tree again) for now bear with me my battle plan is to wing it, and slowly work my way through the help section. That's all for now.


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